It's important to have a separate computer for recording.If you intend to mix lots of tracks, however, consider a quad or multi-dual core.
#Mercy sound recording studios software

By power, that means lots of storage space and lots of RAM. The more powerful your computer, the easier the producing of music will be. You probably don’t want to go much lower, though, or the music quality will suffer.

There's more to a recording studio than just microphones and musicians. This usually means a larger room with fairly high ceilings, asymmetrical walls, and irregular surfaces for sound dispersion. Pick a room with good overall acoustics.X Research source It may also get worn down by high foot traffic. Carpeting will absorb high-frequency sounds, but not low ones. Ideal rooms will have hardwood, concrete, or tile flooring, which is better for acoustics. Try to find a room that won’t be too cramped and that has space for several musicians and all your gear. You don’t want a great take interrupted by your neighbor’s lawnmower. Avoid rooms with lots of outside noise.There should also be room for the performers. Depending on the size of the group you want to record, the room should at least be able to hold a small table for your computer and interface. The best recording studios are in windowless, well-insulated rooms.