(iv) in any of the cases listed above, touching of the clothing covering the immediate area of the intimate parts or (iii) the touching by another of the complainant's intimate parts (ii) the touching by the complainant of the actor's, the complainant's, or another's intimate parts

(i) the intentional touching by the actor of the complainant's intimate parts (b) "Sexual contact," for the purposes of sections 609.343, subdivision 1a, clauses (g) and (h), 609.345, subdivision 1a, clauses (f) and (g), and 609.3458, includes any of the following acts committed with sexual or aggressive intent: (v) the intentional touching with seminal fluid or sperm by the actor of the complainant's body or the clothing covering the complainant's body. (iv) in any of the cases above, the touching of the clothing covering the immediate area of the intimate parts, or (iii) the touching by another of the complainant's intimate parts effected by coercion or by a person in a current or recent position of authority, or (ii) the touching by the complainant of the actor's, the complainant's, or another's intimate parts effected by a person in a current or recent position of authority, or by coercion, or by inducement if the complainant is under 14 years of age or mentally impaired, or (i) the intentional touching by the actor of the complainant's intimate parts, or

(a) "Sexual contact," for the purposes of sections 609.343, subdivision 1, clauses (a) to (e), and subdivision 1a, clauses (a) to (f) and (i), and 609.345, subdivision 1, clauses (a) to (d) and (i), and subdivision 1a, clauses (a) to (e), (h), and (i), includes any of the following acts committed without the complainant's consent, except in those cases where consent is not a defense, and committed with sexual or aggressive intent: